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Back Pain Treatment Clinic In Jabalpur | Aastha Physiotherapy & Fitness Centre | back pain treatment in Jabalpur, back pain clinic in Jabalpur, best back pain doctor in Jabalpur, back pain physiotherapy in Jabalpur, physiotherapist for back pain in Jabalpur, best physio in Jbp - GL34380

Back Pain Treatment Clinic In Jabalpur

Some common back problems are:
• Herniated discs - This occurs when the discs in the vertebrae of the spine become ruptured. This is a very painful condition.
• Injuries, as in the case of sprains and fractures. These may be brief or chronic and may occur from improper lifting or twisting. Falls and accidents can also lead to injury.
• Scoliosis or curvature of the spine. This throws the spine out of alignment and causes pain later in life.
• Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the spine.
• Spinal stenosis - a narrowing of the spine that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
• Osteoporosis - while not painful in itself can lead to fractured vertebrae which cause pain.
• Fibromyalgia - this causes widespread pain and fatigue.
• Infections, as in the case of osteomyelitis. This involves the vertebrae and can cause pain.
• Stress - This causes back muscles to become tense and painful.
The lower back is a region that is easily susceptible to back pain, as it connects the upper and lower back and bears most of the weight of the body. Housewives, athletes, gardeners, and workers who do the heavy lifting on their jobs often sustain a back injury during the course of their duties.

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